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“Women, pillars of sustainable innovation, are shaping an environmentally friendly future through their creativity, their know-how and their commitment to a greener and more equitable world. »

Connected Women Foundation is a complementary force, tackling head-on the gender gap in the world of innovation. Our very essence lies in our international reach and global network, around the world. Based on more than a decade of my experience, where the norm in innovation and decision-making circles merely made exceptions for women, CWF is the fruit of a constructive revolt against this reality. 

CWF's genesis is rooted in the feelings of isolation within boards of directors, alongside the profound imbalance in the technology ecosystem, both in France and internationally. The foundation embodies this break with the status quo.

We are living proof that, despite the obstacles of prejudice and inequality, within each and every one of us lies the ability to rise and persevere. Our mission is to instill this resilience, to mobilize and equip women in France and around the world to shine and make their mark in the world of innovation.

We are the beginning of a new era, a catalyst for the emancipation of women in tech. Our goal is to sculpt an ecosystem where diversity is not only embraced but recognized as a central pillar of innovation and development. With determination, we are committed to dismantle glass ceilings, redefine statistics, and prove that women's tenacity and strength are essential levers of progress.

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Corine Busson-Benhammou

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